Symposium 12: Chloride homeostasis and neuronal function

Date: 28 August, 2015
Time: 14:15 – 16:45
Venue: New Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Centre
Organizers: Michael Druzin
Speakers Topics

Michael Druzin

(Umeå University, Sweden)

Setting neuronal chloride gradient: a new role for extracellular matrix

Juha Voipio

(University of Helsinki, Finland)

Impermeant anions, fixed charges, and the driving force of GABAAR-mediated Cl currents

Dimitri Kullmann

(University College of London, UK)

Presynaptic action potentials and GABAA receptors

Nail Burnashev

(Mediterranean Institute of Neurobiology INMED, France)

Maternal administration of bumetanide rescues altered GABA developmental sequence and the autistic phenotype in rodent offsprings.